How the Directors cheated their vulnerable Father out of his life savings to feather their own nests.
The unequivocal proof they have not been cleared by an investigation by the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG).
This post is to debunk more desperate lies put forward by brother and sister team Mr. Edward Curry and Ms. Caroline Woodford to cover up the scheme they devised to defraud Mr. Charles Starr Curry MBE the deceased owner of the local New Milton and Lymington newspaper.
The substantiating evidence included in this post conclusively shows how their conspiracy to try to feather their own nests at the expense of their Dad and the public purse worked.
For the evidence now available proving the share allocations referenced in this post are proved beyond all doubt review the official Companies House records at:
For the proof in the form of a letter from Edward Curry himself which came AFTER the OPG involvement and proves beyond all doubt Charles was deceived about these share allocations he was paying for and how his money was being spent, see:
As can be seen in the letter Charles was being blatantly lied too about receiving money for the sale of shares in his company given the Companies House records prove this to be entirely false. He was actually the one being sold them by the directors using their power of attorney. His savings were being drained to pay for the shares, not visa-versa! Also note the date of this letter was 17 December 2015. It was produced by Eddie Curry AFTER the OPG outcome, his letter even confirms it at paragraph one. The OPG outcome compelled this brother and sister duo to install a panic button for Charles given they were leaving him home alone. In the reported instance it resulted in him being hospitalised.
So it is very clear given the date of this letter (the prove of deceit) the dishonest share allocations it confirms cannot have been investigated by the Office of the Public Guardian as they falsely repeatedly claim to try to cover up their despicable conduct. Including by way of desperately trying to get Facebook content removed which exposes their 1.2 million pound share scam at their Fathers expense.This evidence of deception came after the OPG involvement which had finished months earlier. The date and content of Eddie Curry’ s own letter proves it irrefutably. The letter is the proof.
The necessary ingredients of the scheme:
1) A vulnerable aging Dad with a lots of personal savings and a healthy income.
2) A lasting power of attorney to give you control over his money and interests before his death.
3) Control over your Dad’s business as directors of that company.
4) Be the main benefactors of his estate.
5) Have no moral or ethical qualms about abusing your Father’s sacred trust for your own monetary gain.
How the plan worked:
1) Step one. First they lied to their vulnerable Father and abused their positions of trust to misappropriate his life long savings which would otherwise have been subject to inheritance tax at the full rate of 40% when Charles died.
This was accomplished by this son and daughter team abusing their power of attorney and positions of trust as directors at the A@T to sell their Dad additional shares in his own company and then lying to him about it. This is proven by “Eddie” Curry’s own letters to his Dad. It is further fully corroborated by the Companies House records. They illegally siphoned off £250,250.00 of his savings on 24/4/2018, £350,000.00 on 24/4/2017 and £600,000.00 on 1/7/2015 in this way. Totalling over £1,200,000. This deception was designed to unlawfully move Charles personal life long savings into the business they controlled and were to inherit to remove their obligation to pay any inheritance tax on their Father’s personal savings when Charles’ passed away.
2) Step two. After the misappropriation of his savings the next stage of the scheme included making sure Charles received no income by way of dividends from his business during his final years on earth. As also confirmed by official Companies House records for the last 3 years his paper was run at a deliberate loss of some £600,000 by Charles’ son and daughter the benefactors of his will. This was accomplished by them using Charles’ newspaper business as a front to expense out the personal money they had cheated him out of. Therefore avoiding having to pay income tax on any new earnings due to Charles to further feather their own nests when they inherited.
3) Step three. Keep spending and illegally diverting the money your Father spent a lifetime making on setting up unrelated businesses you hope to profit from after his death under the guise of his business to avoid your tax obligations. First it was “Incuhive” and then “Hive Studios”. Both of these businesses were set up with the money these two intrepid pioneers cheated there Father out of in the last years of his life. Neither had anything to do with Charles’ newspaper business and are entirely different standalone business ventures which Charles had no rights to or legal interest in. In fact they are owned by an individual name Steve Northam who is listed as the owner of at least two dozen business at Companies House, none of which have ever been viable according to records. During this period of selfish and greedy ambition by these enterprising self serving siblings 21 jobs were sacrificed at the Advertiser and Times. Also undeniably confirmed by Companies House records.
Anyone who knew Charles will tell you he would have never sacrificed his newspaper’s people to fund new business ventures relating to “business mentoring” and “photography”. The idea is preposterous, he was a full blooded news man and always had been.
One of the rules of a lasting power of attorney is you do not do anything that the “donor” in this case Charles would not have done before the LPA was in place.
4) Step four. The cover up stage. This involves never answering the evidence but continuing to lie to deny what they have done including to readers of the paper to try to cover up the financial and psychological abuse they subjected their own elderly vulnerable Father too in the last years of his life.
Charles died on 2nd February 2019 stripped of his savings and income in a cramped modest care home room not at all suitable for his needs. He should have been in the Ritz with 24 hr care. He had the means to afford it, or used to have.
Maybe these two should answer the evidence, instead of telling the community they have been “exonerated” by the Office of the Public Guardian. They never have, as you have now seen that’s another lie. Nor has any court ever ruled on it, that’s a lie too.
For your consideration.
Below Mr. Edward Curry and Ms. Caroline Woodford
Misappropriated £1.200.000 of their vulnerable Dad’ savings.
Mr. Edward Curry Ms. Caroline Woodford