Follow a High Court Judicial Review and review the evidence from Dorset Police proving systemic corruption within Hampshire Constabulary in reference to the handling of a bodged child sexual abuse case. Evidence the Hampshire Crime Commissioner Donna Jones is doing her very best to try to suppress while the Chief Officer Scott Chilton looks on.

Donna Jones

Click the link below to view a selection of just some of the authoritative evidence proving Hampshire Police produced a false police report into it’s disastrous handling of a child sexual abuse case. This evidence demonstrates a systemic ingrained culture of dishonesty within Hampshire Police at the expense of children’s right to be protected from sexual abuse. And it involves those in senior posts right up the command chain:

The evidence referenced in the linked document above is from an authoritative third party – Dorset Police. It now convincingly proves Hampshire Constabularies Professional Standards Department (PSD) produced a false police report into the handling of the Arnewood School teacher child sexual abuse case of some years ago. This latest round of evidenced Hampshire Police corruption is not about the previously established and confirmed legal failings resulting from Hampshire Police keeping the case out of the police system for 2 years, which resulted in 17 sexual offences being committed against children they could easily have prevented. Rather it is about the resulting “conduct assessment” they were directed to undertake (they failed to do that too). Dorset Police Officer’s evidence now shows the resulting police report concocted by Hampshire Constabularies PSD to contain substantive misinformation (lies). This evidence has been unlawfully suppressed by Hampshire Constabulary. The main players behind this corruption and evidence suppression at children’s expense are to name just a few: Mr. Roger Trencher the Force Solicitor, Chief Inspector David Winter who personally instructed a solicitor to lie about complaints about the false police report having already been investigated, the PSD business manager Ms. Stokel Walker and numerous others who toe the line and do as they are told. Hampshire Constabulary is now engaged in every devious unlawful practice known to man/woman to cover up the fact Hampshire Police produced a false report into its handling of a child sexual abuse case. All while the Chief Officer Scott Chilton and Hampshire Crime Commissioner Donna Jones do their very best to look the other way. This evidence is published in the public interest and will be of particular interest to any member of the public who has ever crossed swords with Hampshire Police about its negligent handling of a child sexual abuse case. It is important they know the people who defend Hampshire Police in relation to its handling of child sexual abuse cases are not above lying in police reports about child sexual abuse cases, and then paying solicitors out of public funds to lie to further cover it up and protect their self interests . This evidence is published in children’s best interests and hence in the overwhelming public interest given its ramifications for children’s safeguarding and children’s rights.

The Judicial Review

Follow the Judicial Review in the High Court of this children’s rights atrocity to see just where self serving “cronyism” by those in positions of trust and authority to protect their bogus reputations ends and children’s safeguarding rights get a look in:

And here’s the full evidence bundle:

The guidance you need to know about

If ever you make a complaint to Hampshire Police get familiar with how they are supposed to deal with complaints from members of the public under law. Then hold them to it. They will bank on you not knowing your legal rights under the statutory guidance which they are supposed to adhere to. The more serious the complaint the more likely the print fades on its pages. Here’s the easy to read guidance they do not seem to understand and has gone deliberately straight out of the window in this case. And even though that means endangering children by condoning these corrupt policing practices by looking the other way.

New Milton Advertiser and Lymington Times. The “Incuhive” and “Hive Studios” betrayal … Update

New Milton Advertiser and Lymington Times. How the Directors abused their positions of trust and cheated their vulnerable Father out of his life savings to feather their own nests.


Mr. Edward Curry has now admitted to depleting his Father’s life savings to finance his Incuhive and Hive Studious ambitions by using his lasting power of attorney to sell him more shares in his own company. The posted evidence shows he accomplished this by lying to his Father and abusing his position of trust to divert 1.2 million pounds into the project by way of unlawful share allocations.

The Incuhive and Hive Studios betrayal. Ill gotten gains, the proof.

The substantiating evidence included in this post conclusively shows how their conspiracy to try to feather their own nests at the expense of their Dad and the public purse worked.

For the official evidence proving the share allocations referenced in this post (1.2 million pounds worth) which Edward Curry has now admitted to making are proved beyond all doubt review the official Companies House records at:

For the proof in the form of a letter from Edward Curry himself which came AFTER the OPG involvement and proves beyond all doubt Charles was deceived about these share allocations he was paying for and how his money was being spent, see:

As can be seen in the letter Charles was being blatantly lied too about receiving money for the sale of shares in his company given the Companies House records prove this to be entirely false. He was actually the one being sold them by the directors using their power of attorney. His savings were being drained to pay for the shares, not visa-versa! Also note the date of this letter was 17 December 2015. It was produced by Eddie Curry AFTER the OPG outcome, his letter even confirms it at paragraph one. The OPG outcome compelled this brother and sister duo to install a panic button for Charles given they were leaving him home alone. In the reported instance it resulted in him being hospitalised.

So it is very clear given the date of this letter (the prove of deceit) the dishonest share allocations it confirms cannot have been investigated by the Office of the Public Guardian as they falsely repeatedly claim to try to cover up their despicable conduct. Including by way of desperately trying to get Facebook content removed which exposes their 1.2 million pound share scam at their Fathers expense.This evidence of deception came after the OPG involvement which had finished months earlier. The date and content of Eddie Curry’ s own letter proves it irrefutably. The letter is the proof.

The necessary ingredients of the scheme:

1) A vulnerable aging Dad with a lots of personal savings and a healthy income.
2) A lasting power of attorney to give you control over his money and interests before his death.
3) Control over your Dad’s business as directors of that company.
4) Be the main benefactors of his estate.
5) Have no moral or ethical qualms about abusing your Father’s sacred trust for your own monetary gain.

How the plan worked:

1) Step one. First they lied to their vulnerable Father and abused their positions of trust to misappropriate his life long savings which would otherwise have been subject to inheritance tax at the full rate of 40% when Charles died.

This was accomplished by this son and daughter team abusing their power of attorney and positions of trust as directors at the A@T to sell their Dad additional shares in his own company and then lying to him about it. This is proven by “Eddie” Curry’s own letters to his Dad. It is further fully corroborated by the Companies House records. They illegally siphoned off £250,250.00 of his savings on 24/4/2018, £350,000.00 on 24/4/2017 and £600,000.00 on 1/7/2015 in this way. Totalling over £1,200,000. This deception was designed to unlawfully move Charles personal life long savings into the business they controlled and were to inherit to remove their obligation to pay any inheritance tax on their Father’s personal savings when Charles’ passed away.

2) Step two. After the misappropriation of his savings the next stage of the scheme included making sure Charles received no income by way of dividends from his business during his final years on earth. As also confirmed by official Companies House records for the last 3 years his paper was run at a deliberate loss of some £600,000 by Charles’ son and daughter the benefactors of his will. This was accomplished by them using Charles’ newspaper business as a front to expense out the personal money they had cheated him out of. Therefore avoiding having to pay income tax on any new earnings due to Charles to further feather their own nests when they inherited.

3) Step three. Keep spending and illegally diverting the money your Father spent a lifetime making on setting up unrelated businesses you hope to profit from after his death under the guise of his business to avoid your tax obligations. First it was “Incuhive” and then “Hive Studios”. Both of these businesses were set up with the money these two intrepid pioneers cheated there Father out of in the last years of his life. Neither had anything to do with Charles’ newspaper business and are entirely different standalone business ventures which Charles had no rights to or legal interest in. In fact they are owned by an individual name Steve Northam who is listed as the owner of at least two dozen business at Companies House, none of which have ever been viable according to records. During this period of selfish and greedy ambition by these enterprising self serving siblings 21 jobs were sacrificed at the Advertiser and Times. Also undeniably confirmed by Companies House records.

Anyone who knew Charles will tell you he would have never sacrificed his newspaper’s people to fund new business ventures relating to “business mentoring” and “photography”. The idea is preposterous, he was a full blooded news man and always had been.

One of the rules of a lasting power of attorney is you do not do anything that the “donor” in this case Charles would not have done before the LPA was in place.

4) Step four. The cover up stage. This involves never answering the evidence but continuing to lie to deny what they have done including to readers of the paper to try to cover up the financial and psychological abuse they subjected their own elderly vulnerable Father too in the last years of his life.

Charles died on 2nd February 2019 stripped of his savings and income in a cramped modest care home room not at all suitable for his needs. He should have been in the Ritz with 24 hr care. He had the means to afford it, or used to have.

Maybe these two should answer the evidence, instead of telling the community they have been “exonerated” by the Office of the Public Guardian. They never have, as you have now seen that’s another lie. Nor has any court ever ruled on it, that’s a lie too.

For your consideration.


Below Mr. Edward Curry and Ms. Caroline Woodford
Misappropriated £1.200.000 of their vulnerable Dad’ savings.

Hampshire Police. The Shyster Force Solicitor Roger Trencher comes undone in the High Court.

Child Sexual Abuse Cover Up.

Hampshire Constabulary and the “Independent” Office for Police Conduct have lost a Judicial Review in the High Court brought by John Caine of Ashley.

On Monday 30/9/2019 at a full hearing His Honour Judge Blair QC found in favour of Mr. Caine and ordered the IOPC and Hampshire Police to record a corruption complaint against Mr. Trencher after hearing and reviewing the evidence against the Hampshire Police Force Solicitor.

The High Court Order

This comes after both the IOPC and the Chief Officer Olivia Pinkney have squandered thousands of pounds in legal fees in an ongoing attempt to further cover up and deny systemic failings in reference to Hampshire Constabulary deliberately keeping a child sex offender case out of the police system for 2 years despite overwhelming evidence.

These intentional legal failings resulted in multiple offences against children being committed which could have easily been stopped if not for Hampshire Constabulary looking the other way. Of course the IOPC as usual applied the final coat of whitewash.

This particular challenge related to Mr. Trencher lying to a Professional Standards Department investigator to avoid accountability and scrutiny regarding his part in covering up this abuse of trust by Hampshire Police at children’s expense.

The £10,000 pounds of taxpayers money used to try to cover it up:

Mr. Trencher will now face a corruption investigation and should be suspended pending an outcome. Mr. Caine maintains if this is not “honest” and is simply more of the same it will all go straight back to the High Court until honesty and transparency are achieved in children’s best interests.

This comes on top of further bad news for the IOPC by the way of the Daily Mail’s report today where a former High Court Judge has lambasted the IOPC for in effect being a usefless organisation which is not for purpose. Read that report here:

The IPCC (Independent Police Complaints Commission) was rebranded the IOPC (Independent Office for Police Conduct) earlier this year due to it being largely regarded as not for purpose by the public and politicians alike. Clearly this has not worked, and a stiff broom would have been far more effective.

It rather appears when it comes to child sexual abuse the authorities are very good at targeting the innocent and wrong people while on the other go about covering up for those offenders who are guilty and should be brought to book. I suppose it’s all down to who you know and whether you are a “croney” or not.

This is not the first time Hampshire Police have lost to Mr. Caine in the High Court:

Pictured. In Hot Water
Mr. Roger Trencher the Shyster Force Solicitor

New Milton Advertiser and Lymington Times. Huge financial losses and 21 job losses now confirmed.

After brother and sister team cheat their vulnerable Father out of 1.25 million.

Lies, greed and financial elder abuse.

It can now be revealed by the way of published official Companies House figures Mr. Charles Starr Curry MBE received no income (dividends) from his beloved newspaper business during the last years of his life. These published official figures now confirm that under the control of Mr. Edward Curry and Ms. Caroline Woodford the local A@T newspaper posted substantial losses for the last 3 years of his life. For the year 2019 the company posted loses of £462,050 and £149,304 for the previous year.

For confirmation see the official Companies House accounts for 2019 for the new A@T using the link below. Look for the doc dated “19 Dec 2019” named “Total exemption full accounts made up to 31 March 2019” at the top of the list and proceed to page 4 of the displayed document. Then note the profit and loss account figures for 2019 and 2018:

These figures now also unequivocally establish that Mr. Charles Starr Curry MBE’s newspaper was deliberately run at a 600K loss for the last 3 years of his life after his son and daughter took over control. While they enjoyed holidays abroad he received no dividends from his beloved paper and 21 jobs were lost. Refer to page 7 of the same document for confirmation (staff numbers).

As previously exposed by NMW this additional outrage now comes on top of this brother and sister duo disgracefully abusing their positions of trust as directors of their Dad’s company under a lasting power of attorney during this same period to misappropriate at least £1,250,000 of Charles’ personal savings as well.

Charles had devoted his entire extremely hard working life to build up the paper for which he was honored by the Queen with an MBE in 1996. Sadly he passed away on the 2nd of February this year (2019).

Have you picked up a copy of the new A@T financed by elder abuse? It’s only 70p and they need your money, most of Charles’ cash has now run out.

Unfathomable and for your consideration.

Pictured: The brother and sister team who misappropriated 1.25 million of Mr. Charles Starr Curry MBE’s personal savings and also ran his business at a 600K loss for the last 3 years of his life.

Advertiser and Times, New Milton Advertiser, Lymington Times, Incuhive, Hive Studios #incuhive #hivestudios

Local Schools. Official GCSE League Tables for 2019.

The good, the bad and the average.

Information for parents.

Priestlands as always led the way locally and earned “above average”:

Highcliffe came second as “average”:

Arnewood as always did atrociously and came in both below the local and national average:


Ballard School


For your consideration

The public have ‘given up’ on the police’s ability to solve crimes, Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary has warned.

Failing to tackle rape:

Not to mention the scores of rape victims let down by Hampshire Constabulary and other Forces across the country every day:

Failing to tackle child sexual abuse:

Failing to tackle fraud:

And that’s just why we have local “Crime Commissioners” now to help cover it all up with an incessant stream of propaganda funded by us the taxpayer:

Hampshire Crime Commissioner. Michael Lane.Crime Commissioners wasting your money on self promotion and propaganda…

Posted by Old New Milton Watch on Monday, December 9, 2019

It’s not the lack of funding that produces this result but rather the abject lack of accountability and honesty in policing in the UK.

For your consideration

New Milton Advertiser and Lymington Times. The deception and cover up.

The EVIDENCE proving Mr. Edward Curry of the local newspaper lied to his Father Mr. Charles Starr Curry MBE about share allocations misappropriating £1.2 million pounds of his Father’s savings. And then lied to the readers of the paper about it to cover it up.

A note to Mr. Edward Curry from John Caine.

Dear Eddie,

Desist from providing misinformation to Facebook and the local community to falsely indicate that you have been cleared of any wrongdoing by the Office of the Public Guardian regarding your Father’s financial affairs. Your own letter to your Dad proves otherwise when viewed with Company House records. He was not receiving money as you informed him, rather you were selling him the shares. This letter came after the OPG involvement. Hence the deception it confirms cannot have been investigated by them. Refer to para 1 of your own letter. You will of course recognise it:

And here’s the official Company House records showing you are the one who authorised SELLING him the shares. Your signature confirms it:

Note the last 3 allotment of share forms to your Dad totaling over £1.2 million.

John Caine


The UK now ranks 170th out of 180 monitored countries when it comes to protecting children’s rights. There are only 195 countries in the whole world.

As for protecting and promoting the best interests of children we now come stone cold last. The worst of all monitored countries in the entire world.

1) In 2017 the UK was ranked 156th when it comes to protecting children:

2) If that was not bad enough, now two years later we’re >>170th<<:

This systemic lack of respect for children’s rights explains the ever increasing normalisation of child sexual abuse by the police and other public authorities:

3) Sex offenders can remove themselves from the register:

4) Police look the other way:

And our own Hampshire Constabulary’s contribution:

5) Well they hand out cautions for things like rape, incest and child sexual abuse:

6) That’s if helping child sexual abuse suspects with a heads up letter doesn’t work:

7) And Hampshire Constabulary’s position on the Convention on the Rights of the Child? We’ll they say it doesn’t apply to them!

The CRC was ratified by the UK some 25 years ago. It applies to all public authorities including Hampshire Constabulary. The best interests of children MUST always be a primary consideration. You don’t ignore child sexual abuse matters on a misperceived technicality, that’s putting children at deliberate risk of abuse. The probability of all of them throughout the organisation being so dangerously stupid is zero.

This is becoming more repulsive and perverted by the day. Clearly the reality is they have taken sides, and it’s not on the side of our children.

“Lessons will be learned”? Where? When? By whom? As a nation just how long do we let it go on for without bringing shame on ourselves for not doing anything about it?

For your consideration.

New Milton Advertiser and Lymington Times. The “Incuhive” and “Hive Studios” betrayal …

How the Directors cheated their vulnerable Father out of his life savings to feather their own nests.

The unequivocal proof they have not been cleared by an investigation by the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG).

This post is to debunk more desperate lies put forward by brother and sister team Mr. Edward Curry and Ms. Caroline Woodford to cover up the scheme they devised to defraud Mr. Charles Starr Curry MBE the deceased owner of the local New Milton and Lymington newspaper.

The substantiating evidence included in this post conclusively shows how their conspiracy to try to feather their own nests at the expense of their Dad and the public purse worked.

For the evidence now available proving the share allocations referenced in this post are proved beyond all doubt review the official Companies House records at:

For the proof in the form of a letter from Edward Curry himself which came AFTER the OPG involvement and proves beyond all doubt Charles was deceived about these share allocations he was paying for and how his money was being spent, see:

As can be seen in the letter Charles was being blatantly lied too about receiving money for the sale of shares in his company given the Companies House records prove this to be entirely false. He was actually the one being sold them by the directors using their power of attorney. His savings were being drained to pay for the shares, not visa-versa! Also note the date of this letter was 17 December 2015. It was produced by Eddie Curry AFTER the OPG outcome, his letter even confirms it at paragraph one. The OPG outcome compelled this brother and sister duo to install a panic button for Charles given they were leaving him home alone. In the reported instance it resulted in him being hospitalised.

So it is very clear given the date of this letter (the prove of deceit) the dishonest share allocations it confirms cannot have been investigated by the Office of the Public Guardian as they falsely repeatedly claim to try to cover up their despicable conduct. Including by way of desperately trying to get Facebook content removed which exposes their 1.2 million pound share scam at their Fathers expense.This evidence of deception came after the OPG involvement which had finished months earlier. The date and content of Eddie Curry’ s own letter proves it irrefutably. The letter is the proof.

The necessary ingredients of the scheme:

1) A vulnerable aging Dad with a lots of personal savings and a healthy income.
2) A lasting power of attorney to give you control over his money and interests before his death.
3) Control over your Dad’s business as directors of that company.
4) Be the main benefactors of his estate.
5) Have no moral or ethical qualms about abusing your Father’s sacred trust for your own monetary gain.

How the plan worked:

1) Step one. First they lied to their vulnerable Father and abused their positions of trust to misappropriate his life long savings which would otherwise have been subject to inheritance tax at the full rate of 40% when Charles died.

This was accomplished by this son and daughter team abusing their power of attorney and positions of trust as directors at the A@T to sell their Dad additional shares in his own company and then lying to him about it. This is proven by “Eddie” Curry’s own letters to his Dad. It is further fully corroborated by the Companies House records. They illegally siphoned off £250,250.00 of his savings on 24/4/2018, £350,000.00 on 24/4/2017 and £600,000.00 on 1/7/2015 in this way. Totalling over £1,200,000. This deception was designed to unlawfully move Charles personal life long savings into the business they controlled and were to inherit to remove their obligation to pay any inheritance tax on their Father’s personal savings when Charles’ passed away.

2) Step two. After the misappropriation of his savings the next stage of the scheme included making sure Charles received no income by way of dividends from his business during his final years on earth. As also confirmed by official Companies House records for the last 3 years his paper was run at a deliberate loss of some £600,000 by Charles’ son and daughter the benefactors of his will. This was accomplished by them using Charles’ newspaper business as a front to expense out the personal money they had cheated him out of. Therefore avoiding having to pay income tax on any new earnings due to Charles to further feather their own nests when they inherited.

3) Step three. Keep spending and illegally diverting the money your Father spent a lifetime making on setting up unrelated businesses you hope to profit from after his death under the guise of his business to avoid your tax obligations. First it was “Incuhive” and then “Hive Studios”. Both of these businesses were set up with the money these two intrepid pioneers cheated there Father out of in the last years of his life. Neither had anything to do with Charles’ newspaper business and are entirely different standalone business ventures which Charles had no rights to or legal interest in. In fact they are owned by an individual name Steve Northam who is listed as the owner of at least two dozen business at Companies House, none of which have ever been viable according to records. During this period of selfish and greedy ambition by these enterprising self serving siblings 21 jobs were sacrificed at the Advertiser and Times. Also undeniably confirmed by Companies House records.

Anyone who knew Charles will tell you he would have never sacrificed his newspaper’s people to fund new business ventures relating to “business mentoring” and “photography”. The idea is preposterous, he was a full blooded news man and always had been.

One of the rules of a lasting power of attorney is you do not do anything that the “donor” in this case Charles would not have done before the LPA was in place.

4) Step four. The cover up stage. This involves never answering the evidence but continuing to lie to deny what they have done including to readers of the paper to try to cover up the financial and psychological abuse they subjected their own elderly vulnerable Father too in the last years of his life.

Charles died on 2nd February 2019 stripped of his savings and income in a cramped modest care home room not at all suitable for his needs. He should have been in the Ritz with 24 hr care. He had the means to afford it, or used to have.

Maybe these two should answer the evidence, instead of telling the community they have been “exonerated” by the Office of the Public Guardian. They never have, as you have now seen that’s another lie. Nor has any court ever ruled on it, that’s a lie too.

For your consideration.

Below Mr. Edward Curry and Ms. Caroline Woodford
Misappropriated £1.200.000 of their vulnerable Dad’ savings.

New Milton Advertiser and Times. Focus on elder abuse.

It was recently revealed by NMW the current directors of the local A@T newspaper Mr. Edward Curry and his sister Ms. Caroline Woodford had cheated their Father Mr. Charles Starr Curry MBE out of 1.25 million pounds by misappropriating his personal fortune by repeatedly selling him more shares in his own company.

This was accomplished by them misusing their lasting power of attorney (LPA) over his affairs and abusing their position of trust over the course of a 3 year period. Over which time his beloved paper also oddly operated at a substantial loss for the first time according to published official Companies House figures.

The share scam was carried out by “Eddie” signing on his Father’s behalf and then lying to him about it. Here what makes the crime even more insidious (if that’s at all possible) is the fact this exploitation as borne out by official Companies House records was implemented by the directors as an ongoing business strategy contrary to Charles’ best interests, which they had a legal duty to protect not only as his nominated “attorneys” under the LPA but also as the directors of his company. Not to mention the moral duty a son or daughter owes to a vulnerable parent. Charles passed away earlier this year without ever achieving the justice he sought and deserved or the truth being exposed.

Misappropriating a vulnerable 98 year old’s personal money in this way constitutes “elder abuse” a term I was not familiar with, and after researching it I discovered disturbingly this kind of financial and psychological abuse of the elderly happens more often than you might think.

“Action on elder abuse” a charity focusing attention on this deviant behaviour tells us:

• Elder abuse is a widespread problem that occurs across the UK and both in institutional care settings and private homes.

• AEA estimates, based on academic studies and polling, an incidence of around 9% of older people experiencing some form of abuse each year (physical, financial, psychological, sexual or neglect): approximately one million people.

• Despite this, the number of convictions for crimes against older people are suspiciously low: in 2016/7 there were just 2,856 successful convictions, or 0.3% of total estimated prevalence.

Often, the people who abuse older people are exploiting a special relationship. They are in a position of trust or have created an expectation of trust, whether through family bonds, friendship or through a paid caring role, and they exploit that trust.

In the experience of the helpline, most financial abuse/harm is perpetrated by family members, often sons and daughters, who seek to justify their actions e.g. by claiming that they are taking their inheritance ‘a bit early’.

Two common issues that come to our attention are (a) sons or daughters attempting to justify their actions on the basis that they are simply obtaining their inheritance in advance and (b) the misuse of Powers of Attorney. <–

Financial abuse/harm can happen because the older person can be seen as an easy way of getting money, particularly if they are dependent. It can happen because there is an assumption that the likelihood of criminal penalties is small if the perpetrator is caught. And it can happen because the current protective systems are weak.

Types of abuse and number of elderly in the population affected:

Financial Abuse (e.g. The misuse of power of attorney, theft, fraud) 162,000. <–
Physical Abuse (e.g. hitting, slapping, spitting) 325,000.
Sexual Abuse (e.g. Rape, unwanted sexual touching) 197,000.
Neglect (e.g. failure to meet basic needs such as food, drink or personal care) 58,000.

For more on this eye opening topic visit and support the very worthwhile charity “Action on elder abuse”:

To view the evidence on how Mr. Charles Starr Curry OBE was exploited (and knew it), see:

Elder abuse like child abuse is a heinous CRIME and those who commit it must not be allowed to profit from what is an affront to basic human decency. Like child abuse there has to be zero tolerance. However it is clearly yet another area where enforcement and accountability are once again just the figment of the authorities imagination and subject to the normal huge amount of political lip service and hot air. Not good enough.

For the public record and your consideration.

Pictured. The A@T directors who abused their positions of trust and cheated their own Father in 1.25 million pound share scam.

Left: Mr. “Eddie” Curry – the son
Right: Ms. Caroline Woodford – the daughter